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Friday, July 31, 2020

Many names can be used as inspiration for baby girl names, one of which Mams can take from the names of female figures in Islam. Hopefully the personality of the following figures can be used as hope for Mampaps for the Little One. Let's look at the inspirations of baby girl names from the following Islamic figures!

Baby Girl Names from Islamic Figures

' Aisyah

'Aisyah bint Abu Bakr was the woman most loved by the Messenger of Allah. He has good intelligence and memorization. 'Aisha is a woman who has knowledge and masters three fields of science namely jurisprudence, health science and poetry. He had a beautiful face and flushed white skin until the Apostle called him Humaira, which means "reddish".

Also Read: 420+ Baby Boy Names from Islamic Figures

The name of the baby girl from an Islamic leader, one of the Apostles' wives, could certainly be used as inspiration for the name of the Little One.

'Aisyah Fara Mufida: A noble, happy and useful woman
Najla 'Aisyah Humaira : A noble woman with beautiful black eyes and reddish cheeks
'Aisyah Fakhra Zakiyah: Noble woman who is kind and intelligent
Hana 'Aisyah : A noble noble woman
'Aisyah Fajrina Gazhala : A noble woman, born in the morning and intelligent
the name of a baby girl from an Islamic figure

Maryam bint Imran is one of the inhabitants of heaven. No wonder if he became a woman who should be emulated by all Muslim women. He has a strong and firm faith despite great trials. Mary is very good at maintaining her purity. In addition, Mary is the only woman whom Allah calls her name in the Koran and even becomes the name of a letter. About 30 times the name Maryam is mentioned in the Koran. Hopefully the Little One can emulate the noble qualities that exist in Mary, yes, Mams.

Also Read: 560+ Baby Girl Names Mean Love

The series of baby girl names from Islamic figures inspired by the name Mayam:

Maryam Ulfa Zahida : A noble woman, friendly and happy to fast
Wardah Maryam Maida : A noble woman, beautiful like a rose
Jauharah Maryam : A noble woman, a precious woman
Haura Maryam Isya : A white, black-eyed heavenly woman who was born during the evening
Maryam Sausan Zarina : A woman in heaven, beautiful and fragrant like flowers
Asiyah bint Muzahaim was the wife of Pharaoh. His determination to keep worshiping God made him one of the inhabitants of heaven. Despite being opposed and even tortured by Pharaoh, Asiyah remained steadfast in worshiping God with her sincere faith. Asiyah is also a woman that God gave her a picture of heaven.

Also Read:  250+ Javanese Baby Girl Names Meaning Luck

A range of names inspired by Asiyah:

Tsurayaa Ranaa Asiyah : A constellation of beautiful, noble women
Asiyah Qanita Nimra: A noble, obedient and gentle woman
Nailah Asiyah Thara : A woman who is blessed with glory and wealth
Asiyah Salwa : Women who inhabit heaven as sweet as honey
Zoya Asiyah : A woman in heaven who cares and lives in joy
Baby girl names from Islamic figures

Hafshah bint Umar is one of the wives of the Prophet. She was the only wife of Rasulullah who was good at reading and writing, even though the skills were still strange to be controlled by women at that time. With this skill, he collected the pages of the Qur'an so that he became the first person to have a mushaf. In addition to being smart, he is also tough and diligent in seeking knowledge.

Baby girl names from Islamic figures

Mams can use the baby girl name of the Islamic leader Hafshah for Little by referring to the following set of names.

Aliza Ghaida Hafshah : A child whose life is happy, a smart young man
Hafshah Inas Ismah : A smart woman who is kind and good at caring
Safa Hafshah Sajida: An  intelligent woman who prostrates in peace
Hafshah Zeba Zahida : Beautiful intelligent woman and ascetic to the world
Chana Hafshah Benazir : A smart and unique beloved child
Well, Mams that's the name of a baby girl from an Islamic character. Hopefully by inserting the role of a model woman in the name of the Little One can make Little One a good personality like the character. What is Mampaps' favorite baby girl name?


Every parent always wants their children to grow into someone who is useful and successful in the afterlife. So do not be surprised if parents always choose and give the best name for their children. Besides being used for life, the name is also a reflection of the prayers and hopes of parents for their children.

Many Muslim parents choose and name their children using the names of Islamic figures from the Koran. This is intended so that one day their children have a noble personality in accordance with the teachings of Islam.

For those of you who are deciding on a name for a baby, here are the names of beautiful and meaningful Islamic daughters that you can make references to.

Islamic Girl Names

1. Atika Fithriya Tsabita: Someone with a noble and strong heart.

2. Arumi Nasha Razeta: Descendants of the beautiful daughter of Prophet Adam like a fragrant flower.

3. Afifah Hilya Nafisah: Women who are valuable and have high glory.

4. Abidah Daniya: Worshiper.

5. Abidah Khairiyah: Women who are diligent in worship and are good.

6. Adawiyatul Mariah: A beautiful Sufi woman whose life is beautiful.

7. Afifah Ghaliyati: A woman who is always herself.

8. Afifah Talita: Girl who has self-respect.

9. Athifah Farihan: Feeling happy.

10. Athira Ardillah: which is fragrant and pleasing to Allah SWT.

11. Athifah Farihan: Feeling happy.

12. Atikah Balqis: The great generous queen.

13. Ayduha Huwaida: A woman whose hands are full of tenderness.

14. Azhar Husniah: Beautiful Flowers.

15. Azizah Khairunniswah: Noble women are as good as women.

16. Azizah Talita: Noble woman.

17. Azizah Zahidah: Her heart is noble and humble.

18. Azka Aulia: Clean and full of love.

19. Azka Khairunnisa: Beautiful women who become the best women.

20. Bahiyya Atiqa Faiha: beautiful, beautiful and many advantages.

21. Balqis Khansa Alya: A woman of high rank and well like the queen of Balqis.

22. Badiyah Burairah: Beautiful like a full moon that always does good.

23. Badiyah Burairah: Beautiful Like A Full Moon That Always Does Good.

24. Badriyah Aridhah: A woman who shines brightly like a full moon.

25. Badriyah Fatinah: Beautiful As A Full Moon That Draws Your Heart.

26. Bahijah Musfirah: A woman who is always happy and radiant.

27. Bahirah Najibah: A beautiful and generous woman.

28. Bahjah Dalilah: who is happy and becomes a bright path.

29. Balighah Hasna: Beautiful Women who are Speechful.

30. Balqis Adzra: the honorable queen of balqis.

31. Balqis Bahiyyah: Queen Who Has Beauty.

32. Balqis Ufaira: Like the brave queen of balqis.

33. Chayra Ainin Qulaibah: The good that comes from the eyes of the pure heart.

34. Chayra Rahmah Jamilah: a beautiful woman full of kindness and great love.

Islamic Girl Names

35. Daliyah Ghaidaq: A fertile vine.

36. Daniyah Thayyibah: who is close to Allah and good.

37. Dariah Askanah (the meaning of the name of an Islamic female baby) A Kind, Gentle Woman.

38. Dariah Fitriyani: Softness of a Holy Child.

39. Dazkiyyah Basighah: who is intelligent and charming.

40. Dianah Hanifah: A woman who is straight in her religion.

41. Dianna Syarifah: A glorious heaven.

42. Dilara Shafiyatunnisa: A holy woman who can adorn her heart.

43. Dina Fitriyyah: a sacred religion.

44.Dina Nabila: a noble religion.

45. Diyana Syauqia: Like a religion that is missed.

46. ​​Diyanah Husniah: A beautiful religion.

47. Diyanah Islamiyah: Islam

48. Erina: Beautiful woman

49. Ermina: Friendly

50. Eshal: Flowers of heaven.

51. Ezzah: Someone who gives honor.

51. Fadhila: Virtue, Excellence.

52. Fadhilah: Glory.

53. Fadiyah: the sheltered.

54. Fadwa: Sacrifice, Savior, Intermediate.

55. Fadwah: Self-sacrifice.

56. Fahima: Smart, people who understand.

57. Fahimah: Understanding.

58. Faiha: Heavenly-scented.

63. Fakihah: Fruits.

64. Farhah: Pleasure, Joy.

65. Fariah: High, Noble.

66. Ghadah Rahimah: a gentle and loving woman.

67. Ghaliyatul Hayah: a meaningful life.

68. Ghina Ulya Syarifah: Virtuous and dignified woman.

Muslim Girl Names

69. Hadziqah Khairunnisa: Clever women are as good as women.

70. Hafizah Syarifah: A noble woman who memorizes the Qur'an.

71. Hafsha Kamilatunnisa: A woman with a perfect personality.

72. Hafshah Syarifah: A noble woman.

73. Ibnatu Alifah: A friendly and well-liked woman.

74. Inas Haura: A white woman who is easy to get along with.

75. Declare: Famous, Famous.

78. Izzah: Honor, Success.

79. Jahida: Helping the weak.

80. Jahizah: equipped.

81. Run: Noble, Great.

82. Jamiah: who unites.

83. Jamilah: Beautiful and elegant.

84. Jasmin: Jasmine Flower.

85. Jaudah: Beautiful, Main.

86. Far Away: Pearls, Jewelry.

87. Jazima: Decisive.

88. Jihan: Beautiful flower, heavenly place.

89. Jizah: Gifts.

90. Juhainah: Parks, Gardens.

91. Juhairah: Loud, Loud.

92. Kamila Ulfa: Perfect friendship.

93. Kamilah Adlillah: A perfect woman who gets the justice or grace of Allah.

94. Kamilia Nabita: The new woman grows like a green kamilia tree.

95. Karimah Haffafah: A noble woman full of peace.

96. Karimah Khairunniswah: noble women as good as women.

97. Karamah Hanifah: Honorable Muslim Honor.

98. Katifah Husniah: Beautiful Tapestry.

99. Khadziya nisrina: A fragrant white rose.

100. Khadziyah Naflah: A fragrant rose.

Muslim Girl Names 
101. Lailah Haffafah: A luminous night.

102. Lailah Latifah: Night of longing.

102. Lamiah Talita: An excellent woman.

103. Lathifah Haura: A Charming White Woman.

104. Latifah Fajriyah: A gentle woman who acts as a light at dawn.

105. Layanah Hilmiyatuha: A woman of subtle tenderness.

106. Layyan Talita: The tenderness of a woman.

107. Lulu Mariah: A beautiful woman adorned with pearls.

108. Lubna Naimah: A smart woman who gets pleasure.

109. Nazihah: Clean from stains.

110. Nikmah: Enjoyment.

111. Nimra: Gentle.

112. Nismah: Breeze.

113. Nisrina: White roses.

114. Conscience: Bright, Glowing.

115. Nurjannah: The light of heaven.

116. Nuwairah: A small glowing fire

117. Nuzhah: Recreation.

118. Oadira: Strong, Effective.

119. Oaisara: Emperor's wife.

120. Oamra: Moon.

121. Obaidiyah: The woman of Allah's bond.

122. Oma: The giver of life.

123. Omaira: Awesome, Bintang.

5 of 6 pages
Islamic Girl Names 

124. Part: Bahagia.

125. Qismiyyah: Beautiful face.

126. Qistina: Justice.

127. Qoidah: Leader.

128. Qomar: Month.

129. Qomariah: Month.

130. Qonitah: Devotion, long standing prayer.

131. Qoriah: Reader.

132. Qoribah: Close.

133. Qorirah: A cool view.

134. Qosamah: Beauty, Beauty.

135. Qotrunnada: Dewdrop.

136. Qudsiyyah: Purity, Blessing.

137. Rafilah Khaidah: A graceful daughter.

138. Rahimah Anisah: A graceful woman who is friendly and kind.

139. Rahimah Talita: A loving woman.

140. Rahmah Shofiyyah: Sincere love and sincere friends.

141. Rahmah Syafiah: A loving woman who gives help.

142. Rahmat Atiqah: A beautiful woman full of love.

143. Raihanah Hakimah: A wise woman carries a raihanan plant in the garden of paradise.

144. Raihanah Hisrina: A fragrant white rose plant.

145. Sadira: Shining star.

146. Sadiya: the lucky ones.

147. Safa: Clarity, Purity of Mind, Peace.

148. Safanah: Making a ship, Hard wind.

149. Safiyya: Good friend.

150. Safura: Golden.

151. Sahirah: Open space that is easy to trace, Straight and White Land.

152. Saida: Beautiful, Kind.

153. Saidah: Happy, Lucky.

154. Sajidah: Prostration.

155. Sakinah: Authoritative, Peace of mind because of God.

156. Salimah: Congratulations.

157. Salma: Born safely.

158. Salsabila: Name of a spring in heaven.

159. Salwa: Tranquility, Quail, Honey.

160. Samahah: Chest Space, Honor, Facilities, Degree for a mufti.

161. Samihah: Gentle.

162. Samira: A precious stone.

163. Tharifah: Rarely

164. Tisha: Live.

165. Tsamara: Buah.

Thursday, July 30, 2020


In Islam, women are noble beings. 

In the following, we summarize 7 global Muslim women leaders who are experienced in various fields and can inspire your life.

1. Heraa Hashmi

Heraa Hasmi is an ordinary woman of Indian-American descent. 


2. Ibtihaj Muhammad

Fencing athletes from the United States. Not just an athlete, Ibtihaj was the first Muslim American hijab athlete who won a bronze medal in the Rio de Janeiro Olympics, Brazil 2016. In addition to being an athlete, Ibtihaj also issued 

Ibtihaj is also known as an athlete who always maintains the hijab he wears. 


3. Tawakkul Karman

Tawakkul Karman is a journalist and activist who always defends human rights. Reporting from 


4. Hana Tajima

Hana is a world 


5. Dalia Mogahed

Dalia is the first Muslim woman who served as an adviser at the White House. His job is to improve the perception of the United States in the eyes of Muslims during the administration of 


6. Malala Yousafzai

"There should be no discrimination against one's language, skin color, or even religion." That is one of the quotes submitted by Malala Yousafzai, an activist from the city of Mingora, Pakistan. When he was eleven, Malala 


7. Yasmin Mogahed

Yasmin Mogahed is an 

Author: Shafa Nur Nafisa


For the hijabers who will graduate will certainly choose the best clothing and hijab at that special moment. 

Graduation hijab should not be hot when worn all day from waiting for their turn to hand over toga to a photo session with family and relatives. 

Well, for those of you who are preparing for the hijab for graduation, here are the recommendations for graduation hijab material that you can use:

1. Hijab Graduation Material Voal

10 Recommended Hijab Materials Suitable for GraduationsIllustration of hijab graduation in voal material. 

This hijab material is certainly familiar in hijabers. 

2. Hijab Graduation Polycotton Material

10 Recommended Hijab Materials Suitable for GraduationsIllustration of graduation in polycotton 

Besides voal material, polycotton material is also an option for graduation events. 

This polycotton material is also generally thin. 

3. Hijab Graduation Cotton with Swarovski

10 Recommended Hijab Materials Suitable for GraduationsIllustration of graduation hijab cotton swarovski material. 

To enhance your appearance, you can also wear cotton hijab with Swarovski details so that your appearance is simple but still elegant. 

4. Hijab Graduation Materials Paris Japan

10 Recommended Hijab Materials Suitable for GraduationsIllustration of Japanese cotton

Japanese paris is different from paris in general. 

5. Hijab Graduation Material Cornskin

10 Recommended Hijab Materials Suitable for GraduationsIllustration of cornskin

Hijab cornskin material or texture like corn husk fiber is a choice of hijabers because of the pastel colors that make it exasperated. 

6. Hijab Graduation Moscrepe Material

10 Recommended Hijab Materials Suitable for GraduationsIllustration of graduation from moscrepe

Moscrepe is one type of fabric that is generally used as material for making hijab, dresses and robe. 

7. Hijab Graduation Chiffon Material

10 Recommended Hijab Materials Suitable for GraduationsIllustration of chiffon

This chiffon or chiffon material is a fabric made from a blend of silk, cotton, nylon, polyester or rayon. 

8. Hijab Graduation Material Crinkle

10 Recommended Hijab Materials Suitable for GraduationsIllustration of hijab graduation crinkle

This one material does not need to be ironed because it looks crumpled like it hasn't been ironed. 

9 Hijab Graduation Satin Silk Material

10 Recommended Hijab Materials Suitable for GraduationsIllustration of satin

Although this material is rarely used by hijabers, you can also use it for graduation because it has a soft and glossy texture. 

10. Hijab Graduation Watersplash or waterproof material

10 Recommended Hijab Materials Suitable for GraduationsIllustration of hijab graduation for watersplash

Water splash or waterproof material can also be an option for graduation . 

Those are the 10 recommendations for hijab materials 


Beautiful Chinese actress Dilraba Dilmurat has always been a 

Quoted from Dramapanda Dilraba Dilmurat fans have disturbed the actress's family privacy. 

His fans contacted Dilraba Dilmurat's parents and told her that the actress was sick, which made her angry and considered her rude. 

dilraba dilmuratDilraba Dilmurat Photo: Instagram

Apart from these problems. 

Dilraba Dilmurat has also starred in several serial drama titles including Fall In Love Lika a Star, Mr.Pride vs. Miss Prejudice, Namiya, 21 Karat and Saga of Light.

The name of the woman born June 3, 1992 is known when in a relationship with international footballer Alexander Pato who is a former AC Milan and Chelsea club player. 

But in an interview with one of the media, Dilraba Dilmurat claimed to be a very sensitive person. 

dilraba dilmuratPhoto Dilraba Dilmurat Photo: Instagram

"I am a very sensitive person and I am very worried that people will not like me. So obviously I will not be the first person to start a relationship," the story of this starred actress Gemini.

Furthermore Dilraba Dilmurat tells that one or two words that do not wear can easily destroy him. 

Dilraba Dilmurat The Most Beautiful Woman in Asia

Dilraba Dilmurat several times entered the list of the most beautiful women in the world. 

This unique experience has also been experienced by Dilraba because of her beauty. 

Reporting from 38jiejie, in the 48-second video, the man is seen approaching Dilmaba Dilmurat. 

Dilraba Dilmurat, the most beautiful woman in Asia.Photo of Dilraba Dilmurat, the most beautiful woman in Asia. 

Dilraba is now claiming to be more concerned with people's views of him when previously it was not like that. 

Now thinking more about people's views on him, Dilraba Dilmurat chose to close his personal life tightly. 

Dilraba Dilmurat also closed the meeting about his religion which had made his fans curious. 

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